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High Speed Line Madrid - Zaragoza - Barcelona - French Border.
Section: Borrassá - Figueras

Location: Gerona (Spain)
Date: 2008-2011
High Speed ​​Line Madrid - Zaragoza - Barcelona-French border, Section Borrassà-Figueres, is 7.48 km length and runs through the towns of Borrassà, Santa Llogaia d'Alguema, Vilafrant, Figueres and Llers, in the province of Girona.

Stands out Figueres tunnel, 1,750 m long and with a free section of 86 m2, which is excavated using the New Austrian tunelling Method (NATM).

The support consists of trusses, bolts and shotcrete with a thickness between 20 cm and 35 cm depending on terrain characteristics. Is subsequently executed the lining, which is 40 cm thickness.

In addition to Figueres tunnel, the section Borrassà-Figueres has other singular infrastructures, among which highlights a parking stall and Train Overtaking (PAET, Puesto de Adelantamiento y Estacionamiento de Trenes in spanish), located at the southern side of the tunnel, five viaducts on access Figueres Sud (50 m) on the Riera d'Alguema, (245 m) on the Rec Aragal (245 m) above the river Manol (125 m) and in the Riera de Figueres (30 m).
Also includes two structures permeability, 105 and 75 m length respectively.